MYSO Philharmonia Rehearsal This Week (Thurs Nov 21)!

Hello, Philharmonia Musicians and Families,

I enjoyed our sight-reading session last week! Mr. Giacobassi sent me a note and said he thought we covered “about as much as humanly possible” at last week’s rehearsal, which is a testament to your work ethic. Well done!

We’ll dive back into our new repertoire at this week’s rehearsal, including the Thunder and Lightning that we did not get to last week.

I’m working on a Spotify playlist of this music, and I’ll provide a link for that soon.  In the meantime, you’ll find performance links for two of our three pieces below.  Please start listening to this music now so you know what we’re working towards.  (I bet many of you already have already started listening on your own…  😊 )

Of course, our tempo may not match the tempo taken by these groups.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Dan Duffy, Philharmonia Music Director

Philharmonia Winter Cycle Performance Links

March and Procession of Bacchus

I’m going to hold off providing a recording link of this piece for the time being…

Swan Lake Suite (All movements are included in this video)

We are working to perform movements 1, 7, 8, and 2, in that order

  • Mvt 1 Starts at 40 seconds
  • Mvt 7 starts at 19 minutes 30 seconds
  • Mvt 8 starts at 22 minutes 5 seconds
  • Mvt 2 starts at 27 minutes10 seconds

Thunder & Lightning

starts at 3 seconds

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