If you have not yet submitted a Placement Audition for the 2020-21 season, but are interested in joining MYSO, please contact the office directly for more information and assistance at 414.267.2950 or auditions@myso.org.
Welcome to MYSO’s 2020-21 season!
As we did for Placement Auditions in April, we ask you to create a seating audition video which your ensemble’s music director will use to make an appropriate seating and part assignments. All videos must be submitted by Wednesday, September 9.
Since you will be creating your own video, you may record and re-record until you are satisfied.
Seating Audition Instructions
What to Prepare
For musicians auditioning for the Wind Ensemble, orchestras, and flute ensembles, visit MYSO’s member information page, and then click your ensemble’s page to review the seating audition requirements for your ensemble. Each ensemble has different seating audition requirements, so it is very important that you understand and follow the seating audition instructions for your ensemble carefully!
Jazz Studies, Calypso, and Soca members are not required to submit a seating audition video.
Making Your Video
We are happy to receive auditions made with a smart phone. If it is reasonably clear, we will be able to use the material. If there are issues, we’ll get in touch with you.
You can make your video wherever you’d like, but consider playing in a larger space that sounds good to you. Please dress appropriately as you would for something important like… an audition!
Your video does not need to be made in one take; we just ask that the separate parts of your audition (scales, solo, and excerpts as required) are each played straight through, and are not edited in any way. If you record each part separately, please “knit” them together into a single video file before submitting, if possible. Several video software apps and programs have this capability but vary between platforms. If you have any issues, please contact the MYSO office for assistance.
- You should already have a YouTube account created from your previous placement audition submission, however, if you do not have one set up, create one using the YouTube app (you’ll need a Google account first) or visit the site. Directions on how to create an account.
- Have someone help record your audition. Make sure you are clearly visible, and the stand is not in front of you. The video must clearly show your face, hands, and instrument. Instructions on how to upload your video on various devices.
- At the start of your video, please state ALL and ONLY the following:
- “Hello, my name is___________ and I am in _____________ (your ensemble).”
- If scale(s) are required: “I will be playing the (state the scale(s) you are going to play).”
- If a solo piece is required: “The solo piece(s) I am performing is/are (state the name(s) of the piece(s) and composer(s).”
- If specific musical excerpts are required: “After my scale(s) and solo (if a solo is required), I will perform my required excerpts”
- Also, be sure to mention if you want to be considered for Concertmaster, a principal chair, or section leader if those positions are part of your ensemble.
- Once you’ve recorded yourself, upload your video to YouTube, and label/name the video like this: MYSO Seating Audition Instrument, Last name, First name.
- You will also have to change the video’s privacy setting from “Public” to “UNLISTED,” which is done in the field below where you renamed in. You must have the privacy settings set to “Unlisted,” not “Private” or “Public.” This way, MYSO will be able to share the video link with your music director and the video will not be searchable in YouTube. Only the music director and designated MYSO staff will have access to your audition video. Help on changing your video’s privacy settings.
- Submit your information and video via the form below.
2020-21 Seating Audition Video Submission Form
Use this form to submit your seating audition video. If you are auditioning for more than one ensemble, a separate audition (and submission form) for each is required and must include the required excerpts as specified for each ensemble.