MYSO Alumni
Keeping In Touch
Whether you were a member of Music for Youth (MYSO’s name prior to 1988) or MYSO, we have impacted thousands of alumni who are leading successful and productive lives, not only in the greater Milwaukee area, but scattered around the country and the world. Alumni, we would love to hear from you! We hope you will share with us what you are doing now and what impact your MYSO/MFY experiences have had on your life.
Annual Allegro Association Alumni Reception
Sunday, January 7, 2024 | 12 – 3:30 pm
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center, 325 West Walnut Street, Milwaukee
Hosted by your fellow alumni and Allegro Association Co-Chairs Erik Eisenmann and Andy Sajdak!
For a schedule of events and to RSVP, click here.
Making an Impact
We have heard countless stories from alumni of the ways in which their experiences and the lessons learned in MYSO/MFY positively impacted work-ethic, self-confidence, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, resilience, and a long-standing affinity to the joys of music.
Please come and visit us at the Milwaukee Youth Arts Center (MYAC). You are welcome to stop by a rehearsal, visit old friends, and get a tour of MYAC.
Also, you can also stay involved through volunteering or supporting MYSO by becoming a member of the Allegro Association with a gift of any size. The Association honors and engages alumni who are helping to share the impact of MYSO with the next generation of young musicians through their thoughtful donations. Join here!
The Allegro Association began in the 2016-17 season. The Association honors and engages alumni who are helping to share the impact of MYSO with the next generation of young musicians through their thoughtful donations.
Stay up-to-date with Alumni happenings, and “like” Alumni of Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra/MYSO and Music For Youth/MFY on Facebook.