Financial Assistance
Making MYSO Available to Everyone
While involvement in ensembles is fee-based, we work diligently to ensure programming is affordable. Membership fees cover just one-third of the actual cost of total programming.
Financial assistance is available to members and families with demonstrated need, to ensure all qualified young musicians have access to music training and education. MYSO awards resources for Membership fees and Private lessons. Application forms for financial assistance are typically made available in the office/website the spring prior to each season’s start and are due by mid-summer.
For more information, please contact the MYSO office at 414-267-2950 or

Did You Know
Our organization has a long-standing commitment to making our programs available to all qualified musicians. Financial assistance is available to those with demonstrated need. Nearly 40% of our students receive some form of financial aid. Awards are based on information submitted on an application and Federal Free and Reduced Lunch guidelines which factors in family income and household size.
Merit-based Scholarships
MYSO annually awards one or more scholarships from the Janet Fleming Ruggeri Memorial Scholarship Fund, which stands as a memorial to the life of Janet Fleming Ruggeri (1939-1985), former Associate Principal Violist of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. The income from the Fund is designated to assist deserving young violists within the geographical area served by MYSO. Applications and audition recordings for the Ruggeri Scholarship are due during the summer.
Celebrating the involvement and contributions of long-time former board member, board chair, and donor Mrs. Margarete Harvey, this scholarship honors Progressions graduates who are completing their junior or senior year in high school and have demonstrated consistent commitment to their musical growth and success. This generous scholarship program celebrates the achievements and dedication of these talented young musicians.
Named for the late MYSO Board Treasurer, Dean Potokar, the Dean Potokar Awards are given to certain outstanding MYSO graduating seniors who have been integral to their MYSO ensembles and have displayed exemplary leadership, professionalism, attitude, commitment, and service to the MYSO program.
This scholarship supports talented young musicians who have demonstrated the capacity to succeed in the exceptional opportunities made possible at the Interlochen Arts Camp High School Music Summer Program. Learn more.
Interested in joining MYSO?
To receive updates on audition information, dates, preparation and more, sign up using the form below.
If you are interested in auditioning for MYSO’s 2021-22 season, please fill out this form. You will be added to a mailing list and contacted once information about auditions is released and posted on our website.
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