From Child Prodigy to Jazz Sensation: The Inspiring Musical Journey of Pianist Lucas LaBeau

In this MYSO podcast episode, we meet an incredibly talented 18-year-old who has already made a name for himself as a celebrated jazz pianist. From performing at his school’s football games and the Macy’s Day parade to accompanying rappers and playing in various musical groups, Lucas LaBeau has an impressive resume.

Lucas’ journey began at the age of four, when his mom enrolled him in piano lessons after seeing the positive impact music had on his older brother. Though he may not have fully grasped what he was getting into at the time, he soon discovered a deep passion and need for musical expression, especially once he reached middle school.

It was during those sometimes difficult tween years that he really began to find his voice through jazz improvisation and composition. As Lucas puts it, “I’m not me if I don’t play music.” The piano became an outlet for expressing his emotions. Joining the MYSO Jazz Studies program in fourth grade was a pivotal moment that opened up the world of jazz and helped him grow tremendously as an artist.

When asked about his “celebrity status” at school, the humble pianist downplayed the attention, saying people know him more as “that piano guy.” Lucas expressed deep gratitude for the unwavering support of his family, friends, and music teachers throughout his journey. The faculty at MYSO have been especially influential, nurturing his talent from a young age into the accomplished musician he is today as he heads off to the prestigious Berklee College of Music.

The demands of juggling school, life, and a booming music career are intense. Lucas candidly admitted that he doesn’t really balance it all and sometimes forgets to eat or sleep enough. But his pure love for music—from classical to jazz to folk and beyond—drives him to keep practicing, performing, and pursuing his dreams.

When asked where he sees himself in 15 years, this wise-beyond-his-years artist said he wants to leave it open to possibility and discovery. Attending Berklee will allow him to explore the many avenues available to a professional musician, from jazz piano to producing to who knows what else. His philosophy is to expose yourself to what inspires you and let that ignite your passion, rather than limiting yourself.

For other young people considering a life in music, Lucas’ advice is simple: don’t tell them what to do, just show them what’s possible and let them find their own way, just as he has.

This talented young man is undoubtedly destined for an exceptionally bright future in the music world and beyond. All of us at MYSO will be rooting for him every step of the way!

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