01.21.25 Sinfonia Message

Hello, Sinfonia Musicians,

What a focused rehearsal we had on Thursday! Thank you for your hard work. I’m so proud of you for getting all the way through the Beethoven with tempo changes!

This week, please focus your practice on the following:

  1. Beethoven: measures 1-25, then 25-75. Remember that our tempo essentially doubles at 25; follow the metronome markings in your music. I encourage you to do a significant amount of listening to this piece this week. Listening is key to our success!
  2. Bartok: Wonderful work on movement 5! Continue to target those challenging grace notes, and review movements 1-4. If your part has double stops, please work hard on these for intonation.
  3. Festival at Newport: bow usage–slow bow with resistance, light bow with speed.

Thank you, and see you Thursday,

Ms. Roz

Lauren Roznowski, Sinfonia Music Director

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