String Orchestra West Rehearsal
MYACRehearsal Location: MYACCombined with String Orchestra South
Rehearsal Location: MYACCombined with String Orchestra South
Rehearsal Location: MYACCombined with String Orchestra South
featuring the Calypso and Soca steel bands and Jazz Studies Program combos in their final performance of the season
featuring performances by small chamber ensembles and Bach Ensemble from the Chamber Ensembles Program
featuring solo performances by the finalists from the 2024 Senior Symphony Concerto Competition
featuring performances by all Jazz Studies program combos as well as clinics with professional jazz musicians.Performance Schedule:Wednesday, Feb. 28, 6:30 pmCornerstoneOutlookTemplateJazz FacultyThursday, Feb. 29, 6:30 pmConnectionPerceptionRumbaJazz FacultySaturday, March 2, 1:00-5:00 pm1:00 pm – Clinic with David Bixler and Jazz Studies Musicians3:00 pm – Concert in Youth Arts Hall featuring Apex, Summit, BJE, and MYSO Jazz […]
featuring performances by all Jazz Studies program combos as well as clinics with professional jazz musicians.Performance Schedule:Wednesday, Feb. 28, 6:30 pmCornerstoneOutlookTemplateJazz FacultyThursday, Feb. 29, 6:30 pmConnectionPerceptionRumbaJazz FacultySaturday, March 2, 1:00-5:00 pm1:00 pm – Clinic with David Bixler and Jazz Studies Musicians3:00 pm – Concert in Youth Arts Hall featuring Apex, Summit, BJE, and MYSO Jazz […]
featuring the Calypso and Soca steel pan bands and select combos from the Jazz Studies Program
By appointment only for members of Wind Ensemble. Schedules have been communicated to students and families.
By Appointment only for accepted members of MYSO’s ensembles. Schedules have been communicated directly to students and families.
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