Flute Chorale

A multi-part flute choir that plays standard flute choir repertoire and arrangements of orchestral repertoire.

Introducing Students to the Flute Family

The MYSO Flute Chorale program performs on the entire flute “family” (including piccolo, alto flute and bass flute, as well as C flutes).

This ensemble gives students a chance to learn about the unique flute choir experience, studying and performing major flute choir literature from around the world.

At a Glance

  • Rehearsals generally on Monday evenings
  • Most students are in grades 6-9
  • Music Director: Ms. Sabrina Raber

Upcoming Events

The Flute Choirs Staff

Sabrina Raber

Chamber Flute Ensemble & Flute Chorale Music Director

Chamber Flute Ensemble and Flute Chorale Music Director Sabrina Raber is...

Interested in Auditioning?

Each student is required to audition to become a member of MYSO. Being a MYSO member is a rewarding experience that drives a student’s musical, learning, and social skills.
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